Proposal 1: A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
September 05, 2024Fertilized Ovum or Embryo Outside of Uterus Not Considered Human Being
Fertilized Ovum or Embryo Outside of Uterus Not Considered Human Being
Memorandum of Opposition
Re: A9412 Curran / S8682 Martins
Provides that any fertilized human ovum or human embryo existing outside of a human uterus shall not be considered an unborn child or human being
The above referenced legislation provides that any fertilized human ovum or human embryo existing outside of the uterus of a human body shall not be considered an unborn child, a minor child, a natural person, or any other term that connotes a human being for any purpose under state law. The New York State Catholic Conference opposes this bill.
In New York, abortion until the moment of birth is the law of the land and there is no threat to either that or to the practice of in vitro fertilization. Nothing will change that no matter what happens in Alabama Supreme Court. While the Catholic Church is morally and ethically opposed to in vitro fertilization for a variety of reasons, to deny the humanity of human embryos conceived in this way to make a political statement is disingenuous and denies biological fact.
At a time when one out of five children in New York are living in poverty, the State should be focused on supporting vulnerable populations and caring for women, families, and babies. We urge you to reject this legislation.