Housing Program for Persons with Developmental Disabilities


Housing Program for Persons with Developmental Disabilities

May 5, 2023

Memorandum of Support

Re: S5028-A Mannion
Relates to the creation of an innovative supportive housing program for persons with a developmental disability who wish and are able to safely reside in such a setting

The above referenced bill would provide innovative housing opportunities for persons with a developmental disability and enable them to reside together and live more independently. The New York State Catholic Conference supports this legislation.

Individuals with developmental disabilities are blessed children of God and deserve to live rich, full lives. Unfortunately, the programs that are designed to support them sometimes fail to provide this standard of living. These individuals can fall through the cracks, languish in group homes or institutions, or end up removed from their communities.

An innovative supportive housing program like the one sought through this legislation would allow for the independence, community, and opportunities that individuals with developmental disabilities deserve. With the proper supports from the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, these individuals will be provided safe and stable environments while remaining close to their families and communities. We urge you to fully support the measure.