Increase Abortion Providers in NY


Increase Abortion Providers in NY

January 21, 2025

Memorandum of Opposition

Re: S1438 Krueger 
Enacts the New York State abortion clinical training program act 

The above-referenced legislation would establish a training program specifically for abortion, to increase the number of abortion providers in the state. The New York State Catholic Conference opposes this latest attempt at promoting abortion tourism. 

The New York legislature is constantly seeking new and different avenues to promote abortion. Despite lawmakers pouring millions of dollars into the abortion industry over the last few years, this bill would direct yet more resources toward the practice. Shockingly, the sponsor’s memo makes clear its legislative intent: to encourage women to come to New York from other states to obtain abortions. New Yorkers are facing an affordability crisis and struggling to provide for their families. The state should work to support them instead of attempting to become the number one abortion destination for the entire country. 

While New Yorkers struggle, some lawmakers are obsessed with becoming the abortion capital of the world. Our state is better than the culture of death promoted through these ridiculous bills. We urge rejection of this legislation and encourage the legislature to come together to craft policies that ease the affordability crisis for young families and provide the means for pregnant women to carry and deliver healthy babies.